Meet the Producers: Uriarra Station Video

With crisp, sunny winters, long summer’s days, an enviably high altitude and fertile soil, the Capital Region produces a plethora of incredible foods, from truffles, olive oils and wines, to black garlic and ethically raised, grass-fed lamb. Meet the makers who put the food on our table, including Sarah McDougall of Lake George Winery, Dick Groot Obbink of Durran Durra Truffles, John Pye of Bredbo Black Garlic, Tony and Bruce Griffin of Uriarra Station, Charles de la Barre de Nanteuil of La Barre Olives, and Matt Farrah of Farrah’s Liquor Collective.

Uriarra Station

With 1200 ha of glorious countryside on which grass-fed sheep roam freely, it’s hard to believe Uriarra Station is just 30km from Canberra. Tony and Bruce Griffin describe the farm on which three generations of the family currently live and the reason why discerning buyers are prepared to pay top price for the station’s ethically reared lamb.

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